Friday, December 26, 2014

Broken Woman

Hello Everybody,
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, and made the most of it. I spent time with my family, nothing fancy. For those who don't celebrate Christmas, I hope you have been well. I've decided to share a poem I wrote in my phone a few years back while I was in a hospital room observing an old woman. Hope you enjoy!

She strode slowly across the sea of brown,

Dragging the brown tangled weeds.

Her head paid tribute to the ground,

In absolute reverence her back went down.

Her bloodshot eyes sought lids for cover,

The scarf wound around her head of white tangles seemed less of colour,

And her lips the shade of sea’s foam.

I gazed behind the glass of safety,

She seemed oblivious to my stares,

The blue sky looked down in pity,

The sun pardoned her as she worked.

The stench of disinfectant blocked her own,

The ears not so keen ignored my cough,

As I waited for attendants in white.

The feeble home resembled her,

A light wind could take both,

But inside lived memories of absent ones gone long ago.

Her tired lips sent inaudible mumbles,

At spirits still around.

Her wide, blank stares were thrown across the yard,

Reminiscing on times that cannot be retrieved.

I gazed at the broken old woman,

until the leaves started falling.
© Copyright 2014 Renee (UN: reneej at Writing.Com). All rights reserved. 

Until Next time:
Love as long you live, laugh as long as you breathe" (Unknown)

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